Community Development Project
Empowering community has always been the vision of all the initiatives of BDS. The history of BDS’ perspective always was with the marginalized sections of the society. The major focus of the community development initiatives were tribal and rural reconstruction that answer to the development challenges of the area where we work. To be in the forefront of community development initiatives, the networking partners have associated with various funding partners like Karl Kubal foundation, The Little Way Association, catholic relief Services, Caritas India, Catholic Relief Services, L’ Oeuvre d’ Orient , Side by Side-India etc. some of the major projects of our perspective are.. Bhimadole Community Development Project supported by Karl Kubal Foundation. The project focused on the health awareness, community building, housing and income generation activities for economic sustainability. The project was implemented in 32 backward villages of West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh, India. Though the project’s duration was five years the project activities are still continued by the BDS as part of its professional commitment to the people and to address the challenges in other segments of the development such as education, rural reconstruction, environmental hygiene and water scarcity. The society manages income generation activities like stabilizer manufacturing, tailoring unit etc. The school drop out of the area is a major challenge before the society though it struggle to implement child labour school with the support of well-wishers and benefactors.

Housing project
Housing Project is yet another challenge addressed by BDS. Land and house gives address and identity to the poor who are outcast from the mainstream of the society. The housing projects have been supported by various funding partners of both foreign and domestic ranging from corporate to individual well-wishers. The project still needs to be continued so that hundreds of the request for an abode can be addressed. More than 500 toilets construction is completed from the last five years

Women Empowerment
WomenEmpowerment is visualized as one of the means to remove the vulnerability of the marginalized sections of the society. Integrated approach to women empowerment is being realized through various initiatives that promote women’s self-dependency and contribute to the nation building. Instead of formulating new self-help groups of women for the contribution of the strengthening and capacity building of women to make use of opportunities and exercise freedom to control their own life is promoted by the network member institutions of the BDS. Training to income generation activities, financial support to initiate self-employment at zero interest and subsidy, job opportunities in the baking units, stabilizer units are being implemented in different parts of the country. The empowerment is not limited to economic or allied dimensions of life rather empowering them to avail legal awareness on domestic violence, counselling etc is opened for public use. This is more realized through legal counselling centres supported by local self-government and state government. The approach is been successful and made use by multiple beneficiaries irrespective of caste, creed, sex. The increasing demand for self-employment support and training needs to be addressed with the support of the new funding partners who are humanoriented. Building people is the best way to improve the quality living of generations. Understanding the significance of education to build individuals, families, community and society the member institutions have initiated scholarship programmes to educate the academically excellent but economically backward students. Hundreds of students irrespective of their caste, creed, and sex are assisted through various scholarship programmes. The member institutions play key role in the implementation of this project.

Higher Education Assistance programme
This programme is to financially assist the economically backward students to pay their fees and other expenses without paying the interest of the fund they receive. An amount is generated as revolving fund with the support of benefactors and the same is distributed among the worthy candidates who pursue professional courses. Once the candidate’s course is over and employed well the beneficiaries will contribute the amount they received without fail to the revolving fund. This will assist in the allocation of fund to the needy candidates of the society.

Care Centre for the Children
Based on the beliefs, man is created in the image and likeness of God and caring the human beings is one of the best ways to serve God. So, the networking partners have initiated children’s home for children in various needs. For children are the tiny buds of today and the flowers of tomorrow. So, the well cared bud blossoms to its full beauty. But these buds are not properly cared by the responsible one to be abled citizens of the country. The networking institutions take care of hundreds of children who have divergent needs in institutions established for them. Our institutions provide them decent living conditions that foster integral personality development along with education facilities and then are inducted into mainstream society.

Health Intervention
Public health service delivery is part of the government systems but gap identified in the system needs to be addressed by non-governmental organizations and private societies. Increased demand for health service delivery is not addressed adequately due to the limited availability of service delivery centres and medical professionals. Quality public health or community health becomes, therefore, a challenge to both government and private sectors. Addressing communicable and non-communicable diseases in the rural and urban sectors involves resources that facilitated by the system. BDS have been in the forefront of health service delivery, especially in addressing community health issues both communicable and non-communicable diseases in the rural and tribal

Medicalcamps and awareness generation
Addressing the increasing demand for medical care and health delivery in rural and tribal areas of the country. BDS is conducting medical camps to deliver the health care services specifically on communicable diseases. Intensive awareness programmes on non-communicable diseases and life style diseases have been initiated by these societies in different parts of the country. Thousands of people are being benefitted from such camps and awareness programmes. Celebration of international days on cancer, TB, HIV/AIDS, mental health is marked as our expression of interest in public health.

Adolescent Health Education
Timely health education, especially on sexual health and hygiene to the adolescents will facilitate personality development and reduce stress and anxiety related to physical and mental health of the age. Adolescent club formation, peer to peer education, counselling, seminars and workshops, sexual health and hygiene awareness programmesetc are organized

Rural Health Care
Understanding the need of health service delivery in the remote villages of India, we have rural health centres. The rural health centres mainly managed by nurses and supported by the service of the doctors visit on regular intervals. The centres work as link between people and community for awareness and health promotion. Inadequacy of system based public health service delivery on time increase in mortality rate and morbidity rate in rural and tribal areas. The service of health centres established in rural and tribal villages save hundreds of life and removed them from the clutches of witches and superstitions related with diseases in adequacy of volunteers, especially of medical professionals in Eluru.

De-Addiction services
Addictions to drugs and alcohol is becoming alarming issue among the young and old generations alike in India. In order to de-addict them professionally and by scientific approach is a need of the time and then help them to come out of the cocoon of self-made portraits of personalities. Along with the treatment of the clients the family members are also given counselling services for better rehabilitation.

Health care assistance programmes
The poor people who are suffering from serious ailments that need costly medication and treatment procedures are assisted either partially or fully through financial assistance by BDS. More than 100 people with serious illness like cancer, kidney failure, heart diseases, arthritis, cerebral meningitis etc are assisted per year that are scrutinized by an expert committee.