- To work for the social, economic and cultural development of the people of bhimadole and all over the India without any distinction of caste and creed.
- To provide facilities for the improvement of the literacy standard of the people. For that educational intuitions shall be started, non- formal education programmes shall be arranged and adult education programme shall be conducted.
- To work for the improvement of housing and sanitary facilities.
- To work for providing employment to the unemployed and the underemployed.
- To promote agriculture and cattle development
- To work for the promotion of health and prevention of dieceses.
- To conduct health educational programmes.
- To work for improving the health of mothers and children.
- To plan and implement community development programmes with the assistance of governmental and other agencies.
- To cooperate with other voluntary agencies for implementing development programmes.
- To work for the protection of environment.
- To promote saving mentality among the people through small saving programmes.
- To do such other things as maybeincidental or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the above objectives of the society.